The area of Administrative Law typically refers to the substantive and procedural law for determining rights and disputes through specialized Boards and Tribunals, usually governed by Federal or Provincial legislation which exclude applications through the Courts other than where an appeal is provided by the legislation or judicial review of the decision of an administrative body is sought.
These judicial or quasi-judicial Tribunals or Boards often have the power to make decisions which fundamentally affect a person’s livelihood and can have far reaching effects notwithstanding the typically somewhat less rigorous procedures followed by these administrative boards.
Examples of some of these Boards or Tribunals include the following Ontario and Federal bodies:
Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
Financial Services Commission
Land Titles Assurance Fund
Landlord and Tenant Board
Law Society Tribunal (ONLST)
Ontario Social Benefits Tribunal (ONSBT)
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Ontario Labour Relations Board
Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
Ontario Securities Commission
Personal Property Security Assurance Fund
Rental Housing Tribunal
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Competition Tribunal
Immigration and Refugee Board
National Parole Board
Patent Appeal Board
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Privacy commissioner of Canada
Trademarks Opposition Board
Transportation Safety Board
More information on each of the above Boards and Tribunals are available through the above links to more detailed pages on our website. Please feel free to call us to see how we may be able to assist you in this area.