Corporate Lawyer in Brampton
Kozlowski & Company specializes in all aspects of creating, growing, and protecting incorporated businesses. We help you develop an internal structure that is in compliance with all corporate law statutes and ensures that your bylaws are appropriately tailored within the limits of the law. Your corporate structure will include your business owners, shareholders, and board of governors.
Negotiations, Contracts, Business Deals, and More
There is a multitude of negotiations, contracts, and business deals that require the guidance and expertise of an experienced corporate lawyer. Our job is to negotiate on behalf of your best interests and to ensure that all arrangements are clearly outlined—and that contracts are within the full compliance. This includes but is not limited to:
- Drafting and reviewing all legal documents
- Reviewing, negotiating and advising on vendor contracts
- Preparing and filing government documents and reports
- Drafting employee handbooks
- Negotiating employee contracts
- Outlining the structure of all joint enterprises
Compliance and Legal Representation
Our goal is to advise you on the best practices designed to ensure you are in compliance with all government, tax, and industry regulations. We analyze your business plans and practices in search of potential legal issues related to all aspects of employment, product and service delivery, and development. We work with you and your corporate accountant to ensure an ethical approach to all deductions and special rules.
We ensure your legal rights are protected, by negotiating on your behalf and representing you in front of all administrative boards and court trials.
Shareholders’ Agreements
As your business evolves, so will your working relationship with your shareholders. Shareholder agreements are not subject to the default rules of business, so we will structure agreements in a manner that is mutually beneficial—yet protects your best interests. Our goal is always to minimize the potential for dispute, by advising you on any initial agreements or amended agreements are confirmed.
Before you make any significant changes or investments, reach out to Kozlowski & Company—Brampton’s finest corporate lawyers.